When you connect your Modalyst account to AliExpress, the connection is created for 30 days. This means that all product information and orders are synced. All it takes is the click of a button!
You must refresh this connection within the 30 day period. If you are experiencing issues with your orders not syncing to AliExpress, please make sure that your connection to AliExpress is active.
You will be warned that your account is about to expire in a few days before it expires via a banner on the site and email reminders.
Please note that you can refresh the connection at any time and do not need to wait to be prompted to restart the connection time period.
A week before your connection expires, you will see a banner at the top of the page.
Click on "Renew connection" and it will bring you to this page.
Simply click on the "Renew Connection" button and your time period will restart. If the date does not change right away, click on the button again or refresh the page.
When the connection is restarted, you will see that the time period has changed to be valid for a month.
The connection to AliExpress must always be active for orders to sync with your AliExpress account, including courier and tracking numbers.
If your connection has already expired, it will be marked as inactive in Modalyst and indicate the period of time which has passed since the connection was active. All you need to do is click on the "Renew Connection" button.
You will then and be taken through the steps to reconnect with your account.
Once you click on "Authorize", you will see that your account is active once again. Your orders will now sync with between Modalyst and AliExpress!