For various reasons, you may want to place an order on AliExpress manually. If this is still an open order on Modalyst, you can sync an order which was placed manually on AliExpress with your order on Modalyst.ย
Place the order on AliExpress
When you receive an order in your store, it will automatically sync with Modalyst and can be found under Orders. Click on the icon beside the title of the item and it will take you directly to the item in AliExpress.
Place an order on AliExpress for the item, entering your customer's information. Then return to the Orders page on Modalyst.
Mark as Ordered
Next to the Sync to AliExpress button, you will find a dropdown arrow with two options. Select the "Mark as ordered" button.
This will open up a pop-up box where you can add the AliExpress Order ID. Once this number is added, the order will be synced with AliExpress. This means that any order status changes will be reflected in Modalyst (Paid, Shipped, etc.). Click on the Update button to save this information.
Mark as Paid
You may also wish to pay for an order at a later date. When an order is paid for on AliExpress, there is a delay as they verify the payment. If you wish to move the order to Paid on Modalyst faster, you can click on the "Mark as Paid" button on Modalyst.
Syncing Courier and Tracking Numbers with Your Store
When an AliExpress order is sent, they send a notification with the tracking info and courier. We automatically sync this information with your account on Modalyst and your store. If you have default settings in place to automatically alert a customer when an order has been shipped, your customer will also receive their notification.
As a back-up, you can also add the courier and tracking information to the order in the Paid section. Then click on "Mark as Fulfilled". This will sync the courier and tracking number with your store and prompt the customer notification, plus move this order to Shipped & Fulfilled on Modalyst.ย
You have now placed an order manually on AliExpress and synced the order details with your Modalyst account and your store.ย